Comfort in Books
For the first time in nearly two decades, I am not surrounded by books. Well, let me clarify: I am not inundated by books stacked around me in every room in the house. That doesn't mean I don't have books in the house. And it's not even my house! Last summer, Carole helped me "de-clutter" my library so the amount of books I had actually fit within the bookshelves. (I know, where is the fun in that?) Rest assured, it was for a good cause: the house was on the market, and professionals recommended implementing the "d" word. What that meant was the boxing of about 20 boxes of books. Give or take, that is; I didn't count. I just closed my eyes and received the books Carole handed me. We weeded out the ones I wasn't reading at the moment, added the ones I was unlikely to re-read in the immediate future, and made the remaining ones look like they were meant to be there. Carole arranged the ones that remained with attractive, boo...