Gone Readin'
Book lovers, I'm going to spend August catching up on my reading before Fall for the Book hits the streets of Metro DC. I read the first chapter or two of Red Moon , but may have to set it aside (it's a little over-written for me). Next up: The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls and Growing Up Dead in Texas . (I'm a sucker for Gothic anything and horror.) Have you read them? What did you think? I already have one of Cheryl Strayed's books under my belt (and strongly recommend tiny beautiful things ), but I'm not sure if I am brave enough to pick up Wild again. It's beautifully written, but a terrifyingly real and vivid read — perfect for a memoir but hard for those who have experienced even a modicum of her life history. I should start Unsafe at Any Speed because I intend to meet my hero Ralph Nader, and who doesn't want to read and meet David Baldacci? And honestly, poetry abounds this year! The schedule is still evolving, so keep an eye out fo...