Summer Reading 2021: Freedom to Read, and My First Summer Read
This summer, celebrate your freedom — to read! Not to dwell, but it's been tough lately: there has been a lot we couldn't safely do, and places we couldn't safely go. However, the summer holds promise: of health, of travel, of long days doing what makes us happiest, with the people who mean the most to us. Personally, I have missed My Library People. I have felt a distinct, gnawing loss from limited library access. Many of My Library workers and volunteers are good friends — and I haven't seen them in a year and a half. I miss them. Thankfully, My Library is returning to regular hours and services soon, and I can breathe a (hesitant) sigh of relief. Let's do all we can to help vaccination rates soar while infection rates plummet. If you haven't yet receive your COVID-19 vaccination, please check with your local or state health department for information on your options. If you need help, please contact me and I'll help you navigate your way to JMoPfize L