Summer Reading: What's Your Library Got to Do With It?

As a child, I couldn't wait for the Summer Reading Program to begin at the Norwalk Library. I was a voracious reader, and I unfurled my competitive flag with a crisp snap . Whatever came my way, I was going to win. And Reader, that I did. I always read the most, answered every weekly quiz correctly, and practically camped out in the Children's Section. The carpeted circle ringed with full bookshelves was my oasis. My Librarians loved me, but they gently reigned me in. They explained why they left my name off the quiz winner list: others loved to see their names as much as I did. They redirected my energy by seeking my input on book displays, and I made a few of my own, propping up books or leaving them in the reading area. They found me new books to devour, escorting me from time to time over to the Adult Section. I finally realized it was time to grow beyond the Children's Section — which meant No More Summer Reading Program. Until I realized I could make one myself ...