Reading Graphically: Graphic Novels at a Glance
This year, I have embraced graphic novels for the unique and rich experience they are. I was in grade school when I read Black Beauty for the first time, as a graphic novel. My 9-year-old mind understood that it wasn't quite the novel, but when it came to animals, I was willing to make adjustments. I loved that story, and that horse, and it deeply affected how I see the world. Somewhere along the way, I confused comics for graphic novels, and they lost their attraction. Born-again Christian Archie comics have their own charm, but they were more vapid than marshmallow-fluff. Now, however, I am reclaiming the graphic novel for myself, and I am enjoying our reacquaintance. It began earlier this year with Illegal , an excruciatingly beautiful and painful story about a youth's journey to join his older brother and sister across desert and ocean. The journey is brutal and treacherous, and the boy takes wild, desperate, unimaginable risks. For months, he lives by his wits,...