Review: The Gates

There are few things worse than being a small boy people overlook — especially if you know for certain the world is about to end and no one will take you seriously. Just take the case of Samuel Johnson in The Gates , John Connolly's amazing and terribly entertaining novel. Samuel Johnson, age eleven, and his dachshund Boswell decided to beat the rush and go trick-or-treating a few days early. The Abernathys at 666 Crowley Road were first on the list, and they were none too pleased to encounter him. As he sat on their fence and pondered what his next move would be (considering the whole beat-the-rush gambit had failed so miserably), he was drawn by a blue light emanating from the Abernathy basement. And what he saw made him run straight home. You would, too, if you saw what came out of the bright blue hole the Abernathys conjured up with the words they didn't understand in a book they couldn't properly understand but read aloud anyway. (Evil, especially ...