
Showing posts from September, 2020

Book Review: Then She Was Gone

It’s always worse than you can imagine, because horror and grief are tricky and pliable. They take shapes you didn’t know existed, and they're impossible to contain, or even manage. In Then She Was Gone , author Lisa Jewell knows how to describe horror. Tangible horror. The kind of thing that lurks at the back of your mind: what would happen if [terrible thing] occurred?  We've all seen the movies and read the books, but they're not what we can imagine.What's in our heads is awful, simply and utterly awful — and  what Jewell has in her head is even worse than awful, if that's possible. She takes it to unimaginable, etching it into our brains with precise language and specific, and devastating, details.   If you don't want to envision the reality of your own fears, skip this book. At a certain point, I knew what we would learn about the characters and the storyline —  but that didn't dim my enthusiasm one bit. I liked the author's writing. I understood an...