Review: The Genesis Secret

People get so excited about novels that venture into the world of religion. The uproar over The DaVinci Code was immense (though one could gauge its success by the number of books published as a "response" or "rebuttal"). People forget that "fiction" can be translated to mean "making it all up, no matter how many real elements one injects into the story, like in Fargo , the Coen brothers movie." So, should anyone get excited about The Genesis Secret ? If so, it's entirely unnecessary. The fact that it's a novel rather than a news story never escapes the reader at any time. At the beginning of the book, debut novelist Tom Knox states two true elements of the story: the existence of an archeological site and a religious group. The foundation of the story is realistic — tension, politics, religious issues, public safety responses — but the character-based story never enters the realm of realism for me. And that ...