Similar Paths, Different Deliveries: Ray Bradbury and H.P. Lovecraft
I've spent the better part of May and June with a couple of short story writers, one of whom is an old friend and the other is a new discovery. I truly enjoyed their writing — and, though it wasn't my intent, I found myself comparing the two. I approached Ray Bradbury and H.P. Lovecraft with equal parts excitement and trepidation. (Some "scary" books don't settle well with me, a fact to which my husband David can attest.) I expected to see their similarities and instead discovered their wonderful differences. I've read Ray Bradbury since I was old enough to visit the library on my own, which was right around grade school. As a young journalist in the mid-1980s, I was fortunate enough to interview him for an article on the now-defunct Acres of Books in Long Beach, Calif. That was a glorious hour with a generous writer, and I reveled in every single minute of it. (I was horrified to discover my tape recorder hadn't captured a single moment on tape...