Summer Reading List (Warning: Ambition Level is Off the Charts!)

For the 12 weeks in summer, I chose 18 books for my list. See below.

For those who crying out, "What in the — Chris, no one can read all of those titles!" I offer them to you, from the top (but not necessarily in the order in which I will read them):

But wait: I have two on my Kindle to add to the list!

Counting Fifty Shades of Grey, which is on my nightstand, that brings the total to an even 20.

And that's just my list now.

Wait until I get going. I suspect there may be a swap-out based on a few discussions I've had. I also have to get The Hobbit re-read and Les Misérables read by the end of the year, which means I may have to begin them sometime this summer.

Without realizing it, nearly half are parts of series. I have separated them out so I myself can marvel at the cleverness of these writers sucking me in for multiple books.

For every book I read between now and the autumnal equinox, I will donate $5 to the Main Street Child Development Center. Also, I will choose three books to donate to the Fairfax County Regional Library (based on the library's Amazon wish list).

I give myself permission to discard any book that does not hold my interest. I give myself permission to swap out one book for another.

And I invite you to join me. Karen and Stacy our resident haiku-ers, have weighed in with hefty lists (see the comments of this blog). How about you?
