Favorite Books So Far in 2010
More than half the year has passed, which gives us an opportunity to review our favorite reads of the year to date. Here are mine, in no particular order.
Shades of Grey — But you knew that. If Jasper Fforde isn't on my fave list, check the backyard for pods. Then chat up some Fforde ffans to console yourself at my demise (and to protect yourself against other Pod People, who cannot in any way be confused with Fforde ffans).
Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie — Lovely characters, interesting storyline. Seldom do adults, let alone male adults, manage to create a good child. Of the opposite sex, no less. Rumor has it that this is the first of many, and I will be glad when the rumor is proven true.
The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre — H.P. Lovecraft rocks. Cthulu scares me. 'Nuff said.
The Gates — I found John Connolly's writing a treat before, but this book about opening the gates of Hell — and the young boy with a dachshund who tries to stop it — puts him firmly on my must-read list.
Have a Little Faith — Again, another fave from a fave author. I learned a little about religion and a lot about what I think about religion and people.
Okay, I see a trend here: I'm reading a lot of books by my favorite authors. That isn't entirely bad, though, because if you peruse my reviews, I've put a few new authors in my rotation. In fact, only one book in my reading list is.... er, okay, you're correct.
I will put a new author on my bookshelf this week. Check back and see who's been added!
Shades of Grey — But you knew that. If Jasper Fforde isn't on my fave list, check the backyard for pods. Then chat up some Fforde ffans to console yourself at my demise (and to protect yourself against other Pod People, who cannot in any way be confused with Fforde ffans).
Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie — Lovely characters, interesting storyline. Seldom do adults, let alone male adults, manage to create a good child. Of the opposite sex, no less. Rumor has it that this is the first of many, and I will be glad when the rumor is proven true.
The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre — H.P. Lovecraft rocks. Cthulu scares me. 'Nuff said.
The Gates — I found John Connolly's writing a treat before, but this book about opening the gates of Hell — and the young boy with a dachshund who tries to stop it — puts him firmly on my must-read list.
Have a Little Faith — Again, another fave from a fave author. I learned a little about religion and a lot about what I think about religion and people.
Okay, I see a trend here: I'm reading a lot of books by my favorite authors. That isn't entirely bad, though, because if you peruse my reviews, I've put a few new authors in my rotation. In fact, only one book in my reading list is.... er, okay, you're correct.
I will put a new author on my bookshelf this week. Check back and see who's been added!
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