Summer Reading 2020: How's it Going?
This is not your typical summer.
(In fact, it's so atypical that I'm posting in August.)
Are you treating your summer reading the same? I'm not.
First of all, I nearly missed out on My Library's Summer Reading Program. Between my work schedule and My Library's schedule, I was thrown off my own schedule, and I didn't find the program information until recently.
When My Library began offering curbside pickup service, however, librarians kindly included the flyer for the program. Was I relieved!
Last year's adult summer reading program was a blast, and I stepped off with them at the program launch (and ended the program with cake and Good Omens.) But this year... Work kept me hopping by half again, and I was still feeling the effects of COVID Reading Blahs until after Memorial Day, the traditional launch of my personal summer reading program. I've had reading slumps before, but rarely in the summer.
What's a reader to do?
I listened to myself, and to books.
Typically, I listen to books only when I'm running, or in the rare situation at home when I won't be otherwise interrupted. (For those who are about to scold me about the safety of running in headphones, I hear you — but I'm too busy listening to my books.)
I also found some amazing audiobooks that kept me riveted. Among the gems so far this summer are Behold the Dreamers, A Long Way Home, and There There.
Two of those I borrowed from My Library. (Guess which ones!) At least one of them I will purchase for myself for the rare re-read.
I started reading There There before I discovered that Tommy Orange is a headliner at this year's Fall for the Book Festival. I don't know what that means yet, but I can't wait to find out.
I have a stack of printed books, and my Kindle is freshly stocked with new treasures. My Library has finally reopened, so I am being flooded by the holds I set up earlier this year. Overdrive and RB Digital are both loaded on every device, and delivering the goods on a regular basis.
(The latter terrifies me, but maybe when read in the daylight it won't be so ba—)
(Never mind. It's Stephen King, what was I thinking.)
At any rate, my August TBR has some great titles, and I can't wait to tuck back into it.
What are you reading this summer? Have you skipped the slump, or are you still struggling? Let me know in the comments below, or send me a note. You're not in this alone.
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