Library Loot: Dinosaurs, Bookbinding, Poetry
What does a reader do when all of her books on hold at the library come forth at once? Collect them, of course!
To be fair, not all of the books pictured (left) were from my hold list. One was a surprise: I wanted to read a short story collection, and My Friendly Neighborhood Librarian suggested The Tsar of Love and Techno, with a distinct Soviet feel.
The African American poetry collection was on a display at the middle of the library. (I usually steal from those displays, often from the Youth or Juvenile-themed ones, and always when there's a DK book on display.) I have been lax at posting poems, but I promise I shall be better as time goes on, and not just during National Poetry Month.
The Bibliophile Mystery has been in my hands three times now. I really enjoy the series, but this particular one just leaves me a bit cold. (However, I see a cat on the cover, so I may have to persevere.) I am loathe to read a series out of order, but I did manage to live after reading #7 when I was on a cookbook kick...
The Cat Winters book is one I want to want to read, but not as much as the other of her novels the library doesn't yet own — so I may have to return this one for the next reader. (Fun fact: she publishes both in the YA and Adult fiction categories, and I enjoy books in both, so go Cat!)
Finally, I can't remember if I read about Dinosaurs in the Attic from Brain Pickings or my dinosaur illustrator buddy on Twitter, but there it is. Written by Douglas Preston. How could I resist?
Career advice: that one definitely came from Brain Pickings. I think. Or Life Hacks. Either way, I'll gobble that up this weekend to help get my career wherever it's going.
Thank goodness it's a holiday weekend, or I may not get it all done.
What gems have you borrowed from your library? Do tell!
To be fair, not all of the books pictured (left) were from my hold list. One was a surprise: I wanted to read a short story collection, and My Friendly Neighborhood Librarian suggested The Tsar of Love and Techno, with a distinct Soviet feel.
The Bibliophile Mystery has been in my hands three times now. I really enjoy the series, but this particular one just leaves me a bit cold. (However, I see a cat on the cover, so I may have to persevere.) I am loathe to read a series out of order, but I did manage to live after reading #7 when I was on a cookbook kick...
The Cat Winters book is one I want to want to read, but not as much as the other of her novels the library doesn't yet own — so I may have to return this one for the next reader. (Fun fact: she publishes both in the YA and Adult fiction categories, and I enjoy books in both, so go Cat!)

Career advice: that one definitely came from Brain Pickings. I think. Or Life Hacks. Either way, I'll gobble that up this weekend to help get my career wherever it's going.
Thank goodness it's a holiday weekend, or I may not get it all done.
What gems have you borrowed from your library? Do tell!
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